In December 2021, Motorola launched the flagship Edge X30, which was the first device on the market powered by the Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 processor. A little later, the manufacturer introduced an improved version of this flagship – Edge X30 Pro. According to the latest leaks, Motorola is currently working on another flagship smartphone codenamed Frontier. This model will come with 125W fast wired charging. Today, the general manager of Lenovo’s mobile phone division in China shared the first image of the new 125W charger.
A company spokesperson confirmed that the Frontier will be the company’s first smartphone with such powerful charging. In addition, he said that the charging unit will weigh about 130 grams.
The Motorola Frontier is rumored to feature a 6.73-inch P-OLED screen with FHD+ resolution and a 144Hz refresh rate. The heart of the smartphone will be the flagship Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 processor. The smartphone is also credited with 12 GB of LPDDR5 RAM, 50 W wireless charging and a 4500 mAh battery.
The release of the smartphone is expected to take place in July.