Apple has reportedly hired the co-founders of a mobile mixed reality studio as the company continues to work on virtual reality and augmented reality glasses. Playdeo’s two co-founders, Jack Schulze and Timo Arnall, are now at Apple, closing the studio.
While Playdeo remains an active company, it no longer has employees. The studio’s third co-founder, Nick Ludlam, did not join Apple. A notable Playdeo game is Avo, an iOS game in which players guide avocados through a series of worlds using line drawing. The game received mostly positive reviews on the App Store, with an average score of 4.3 based on approximately 1,600 reviews.
According to the report, Schulze and Arnall are working on mixed reality projects at the Cupertino company. The report also notes that the corporation previously hired Jonathan Topf, Avo’s chief designer, in 2019. There have been reports for several years now that the apple giant is planning to enter the VR/AR market, and the hiring of Schulze and Arnall suggests those plans are still in place. A 2021 Bloomberg report claimed that Apple is working on its own virtual headset and plans to release as early as 2022.